What Do We Eat?: How Humans Find, Grow and Share Food


Author: Megan Clendenan
Illustrator: Meegan Lim
Publisher: Orca Book Publ
Publish Date: September 2024
Language: English
EAN: 9781459836761

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Every day, no matter where we are or where we need to go, humans need food.

Imagine carrying meals with you as you parachute into a war zone. Or trying to stay well fed while building the pyramids. People have always found ways to work together to put a meal on the table. What Do We Eat? is a delicious celebration of human creativity and cooperation, wrapped up in bite-sized slices of history, with a look at what scientists and inventors are cooking for the future. We are gobbling up Earth’s resources, and food is not shared equally. But today there’s a magic tree transforming the dry African plains, food “ambulances” on the move and cities that have declared access to food a human right. Hungry to find out more? Let’s roll up our sleeves and find out what’s for dinner.

The epub edition of this title is fully accessible.


Pages: 96
Dimensions: 10.9 x 8.8 x 0.5 in
Lexile Score: 1060
ISBN: 1459836766