The Mice Invade Buckingham Palace


Publish Date: September 2020
Language: English
EAN: 9781645755678


Long ago, mice frolicked on the banks of the River Thames in London. Carefree owners of their own destiny, they lived extraordinary lives. But along came humans, with their monarchies and their crowns, and their PALACES! The mice had no choice but to move away from their lovely riverside home and find another place to settle. As the centuries passed, the mice forgot their history, resigned to living in squalor and scraps, until one brave mouse speaks up with the courage to take back what was theirs, even if what was once theirs is now Buckingham Palace!
Plotting their attack over hot cups of tea, cheese rinds, and biscuit crumbs, the mice must find a way to infiltrate the palace with the intent of pestering the queen and her household, until they triumph and gain back their ancestral home. Join the delegation of brave mice who seek to meet with the queen and find a way where both mice and men can live together at Buckingham Palace.


Pages: 90
Dimensions: 9.21 x 6.14 x 0.38 in
ISBN: 1645755673