The Lion Who Saw Himself in the Water — Le lion qui se vit dans l’eau: English-French Edition

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Author: Idries Shah
Illustrator: Ingrid Rodriguez
Publisher: Hoopoe Books
Publish Date: April 2017
Language: English
Reading Level: 3.6
EAN: 9781946270283

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(Bilingual English-French edition / Edition bilingue anglais-fran?ais) When a good-natured lion, king of all the animals, sees his reflection in a pool of water for the first time, he gasps at the fierce creature staring back at him and is too frightened to drink – until, finally, he overcomes his fear. Children learn through the lion how to deal positively with the fears and inhibitions that so often arise from situations they may not yet understand. Originally told by the 13th-century Sufi poet Jalaluddin Rumi, The Lion Who Saw Himself in the Water is one of a series of teaching stories that were collected by Idries Shah and that have been used in the East for hundreds of years as educational instruments to help children understand life. Ingrid Rodriguez’s beautiful illustrations bring this children’s version to life with warmth, humor and a distinctive richness of detail.

Lorsqu’un lion de bonne humeur, roi de tous les animaux, voit son reflet dans une mare d’eau pour la premi?re fois, il hal?te devant la f?roce cr?ature qui le regarde, et est trop effray? pour boire – jusqu’? ce que, finalement, il surmonte sa peur. Les enfants apprennent ? travers le lion ? g?rer positivement les peurs et les inhibitions qui surviennent si souvent dans des situations qu’ils ne comprennent peut-?tre pas encore. Racont? ? l’origine par le po?te soufi du XIIIe si?cle Jalaluddin Rumi, Le lion qui se vit dans l’eau fait partie d’une s?rie d’histoires-enseignement qui ont ?t? rassembl?es par Idries Shah et qui ont ?t? utilis?es en Orient pendant des centaines d’ann?es comme instruments p?dagogiques pour aider les enfants ? comprendre la vie. Les magnifiques illustrations d’Ingrid Rodriguez donnent vie ? cette version pour enfants avec chaleur, humour et une richesse de d?tails distinctive.


Pages: 40
Dimensions: 11 x 8.5 x 0.11 in
Interest Level: Lower Grade (LG)
Point Value: 0.5
ISBN: 1946270288