Taking Care of Where We Live: Restoring Ecosystems


Author: Merrie-Ellen Wilcox
Illustrator: Amanda Key
Publisher: Orca Book Publ
Publish Date: September 2024
Series: Orca Think
Language: English
EAN: 9781459835382

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Healthy ecosystems are important to the more than eight million different species that live on Earth, including humans.

But over the centuries humans have damaged and changed the environment that we all depend on for our survival. We cut down forests, dam rivers, build cities and pollute the air, water and soil. That’s where ecological restoration comes in. It aims to reverse the degradation of ecosystems, like grasslands, mountains and forests, on every continent and in every ocean. These are big goals, so everyone will need to step up!

In Taking Care of Where We Live, readers will explore restoration projects, big and small, around the world, from the Ten Billion Tree Tsunami program in Pakistan to the Green Corridors project in Colombia. They’ll also find out how to take small actions for the ecosystems in their own communities, such as learning about the land where they live and the people who lived there, planting native plants and trees and helping to remove invasive species. By putting our best human qualities together, we can repair some of the human damage to the planet and help make the its ecosystems healthy again.

The epub edition of this title is fully accessible.


Pages: 96
Dimensions: 9.2 x 7.3 x 0.5 in
Lexile Score: 1200
ISBN: 1459835387