Speak of Me as I Am


Publish Date: April 2017
Language: English
EAN: 9798228207516

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Melanie and Damon are both living in the shadow of loss. For Melanie, it’s the loss of her larger-than-life artist mother, taken by cancer well before her time. For Damon, it’s the loss of his best friend, Carlos, who took his own life. Trying to hold on to those loved ones, Damon and Melanie take up hobbies that make them feel close to them: Damon takes pictures with Carlos’s camera and Melanie begins painting. But when these activities fail to fill the void, they both end up joining their school’s production of Othello, hoping it will serve as a distraction. In the process, they discover that it just might be possible to go on living their lives without completely letting go of what they miss.