Od Magic


Compact Disc
Publish Date: August 2012
Language: English
EAN: 9781433224003

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Magic unbound was suspect, dangerous. Therefore it was not permitted anywhere in Numis. The wizards of Numis, like its nobles, were subject to the laws of the land. All power ultimately belonged to the king. The wizard of Od, now nearly mythical herself, accepted all these rules once upon a time–but no longer. Brenden Vetch has a gift. With an innate sense he cannot explain to himself or describe to others, he is able to connect to the agricultural world, nurturing gardens to flourish and instinctively knowing the healing properties each plant and herb has to offer. But Brenden’s gift isolates him from his community, until the day he receives a personal invitation from the wizard Od. She needs a gardener for her school in the great city of Kelior, where every potential wizard must be trained to serve the Kingdom of Numis. For decades, the rulers of Numis have controlled the school, believing they can contain the power within it. They punish any wizard who dares defy the law. But unknown to the reigning monarchy is the power possessed by the school’s new gardener, a power even Brenden isn’t fully aware of and which is the true reason Od recruited him.


Dimensions: 7.8 x 5.5 x 1.4 in
ISBN: 1433224003