(Bilingual English-Spanish edition / Edici?n biling?e ingl?s-espa?ol) Wanting badly to have a son, the Queen of Hich-Hich consults Arif the Wise Man on the matter. But because she fails to follow his precise instructions, she gives birth to a half-boy, whom she calls Neem. That Neem is able to make himself complete by an act of cleverness, negotiation and compromise teaches children much more than the expected, usual lesson of bravery. This enchanting tale, complete with fairies and a fire-breathing dragon, is marvelously and magically illustrated by Midori Mori and Robert Revels. Neem the Half-Boy is one of an illustrated series of Sufi teaching stories from the Middle East and Central Asia that were collected and adapted for children by Idries Shah, and that have captivated hearts and minds for more than a thousand years. The stories are designed to help children learn to examine their assumptions and to think for themselves.
Deseando desesperadamente tener un hijo var?n, la reina de Hich-Hich consulta a Arif el Sabio sobre el asunto. Pero debido a que no sigue las instrucciones precisas de Arif, da a luz a un medio ni?o, a quien llama Neem. El hecho de que Neem sea capaz de completarse mediante un acto de inteligencia, negociaci?n y compromiso les ense?a a los ni?os mucho m?s que la lecci?n de valent?a habitual y esperada. Este cuento encantador, completo con hadas y un drag?n que escupe fuego, est? maravillosamente ilustrado por Midori Mori y Robert Revels. Neem el medio ni?o forma parte de una serie ilustrada de historias de ense?anza suf?es de Oriente Medio y Asia central que Idries Shah recopil? y adapt? para ni?os y que han cautivado corazones y mentes durante m?s de mil a?os. Las historias est?n dise?adas para ayudar a los ni?os a aprender a examinar sus suposiciones y a pensar por s? mismos.