See below for English description.
Plonge, saute et barbote en compagnie des dauphins dans l’oc?an! Les lecteurs d?couvriront la fa?on dont ces cr?atures magiques mangent, communiquent et s’amusent. Des diff?rents types de dauphins ? leur anatomie, il y a tant ? d?couvrir. Un livre id?al pour ?veiller la curiosit? des tout-petits ? l’?gard du monde qui les entoure.
Dive, leap, and splash with dolphins as they swim in their ocean home! Readers can learn all about these magical creatures, like what they eat, how they communicate, and what they do for fun. From the different kinds of dolphins to their anatomy, there’s so much to discover.
The perfect book for preschoolers to get more curious about the world around them.
Original title: National Geographic Kids: Explore My World: Dolphins