Los Gamopelusidas

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Author: Aura Taz?n
Illustrator: Lu?s Bustos
Publisher: Bambu
Publish Date: May 2010
Language: Spanish
EAN: 9788483430569

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Martin washes up on the shores of Gamopelusia, the fabled island of cheese. The natives initially think that he is a spy but soon realize that he is, in fact, the Chosen One, sent by ancient prophecy to save them from doom. Martin, aided by his Gamopelusian friends Nehu?n MacTuc?n and Urs?lica Tel?pata, puts his ingenuity to work while completing his mission, but finds there are those who seek to betray him along the way.

Mart?n embarranca en las playas de Gamopelusia, la fabulosa isla de queso. Al principio, los nativos piensan que es un esp?a pero pronto se dan cuenta que es el Elegido, llamado por una vieja profec?a para salvarlos del desastre. Mart?n, con la ayuda de sus amigos gamopel?sidas Nehu?n MacTuc?n y Urs?lica Tel?pata, pone a trabajar su ingenio mientras completa su misi?n, pero descubre que hay aquellos que busquen traicionarlo a lo largo de su aventura.


Pages: 208
Dimensions: 8.3 x 5.7 x 0.6 in
ISBN: 8483430568