Los Dinosaurios


Publish Date: February 2013
Language: Spanish
EAN: 9788467713169

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This series of educational products is comprised of sturdy metallic boxes that each contain 40 cards with multiple-choice questions about scientific topics. Each card has two questions on one side and the answers on the reverse, making this collection a fun way for kids to quiz themselves or to play with friends and family.

With categories including “The Fastest” and “The Largest” this set of educational cards asks questions such as How fast could Tyrannosaurus run? and Which dinosaur is believed to have been the largest of all?

Esta colecci?n de productos did?cticos consta de s?lidas cajas met?licas, cada una de las cuales contiene 40 tarjetas con preguntas de selecci?n m?ltiple sobre temas cient?ficos. Cada tarjeta tiene dos preguntas por un lado y las respuestas al dorso, convirtiendo a esta colecci?n en una manera divertida para que los ni?os eval?en su propio conocimiento o para jugar con amigos o en familia.

Con categor?as como “Los m?s r?pidos” y “Los m?s grandes,” esta baraja de tarjetas educativas posa preguntas como A qu? velocidad corr?a el Tiranosaurio? y Cu?l se cree que es el dinosaurio m?s grande de todos?


Pages: 40
Dimensions: 5.7 x 4.1 x 2 in
ISBN: 846771316X