Le Club Des Baby-Sitters: N? 3 – Bien Jou?, Mary Anne!


Author: Ann M. Martin
Illustrator: Raina Telgemeier
Publisher: Scholastic Canada
Publish Date: February 2016
Language: French
EAN: 9781443151719

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See below for English description.

Lorsqu’une dispute eclate au sein du Club des Baby-Sitters, Mary Anne est laissee a elle-meme. Elle doit manger toute seule le midi, se faire de nouvelles amies et vivre avec un pere surprotecteur, tout cela sans l’aide de ses copines du club. Lorsqu’un evenement grave survient alors qu’elle fait du gardiennage, Mary Anne doit faire face a la situation toute seule.

Heureusement, elle se montre a la hauteur et reussit meme a reconcilier le Club des Baby-Sitters.

When a terrible fight breaks out among the four Baby-Sitters Club friends, Mary Anne is left to her own devices. She has to sit by herself at lunch, make new friends, and deal with her overprotective father without advice from the BSC gang. But the worst part is when she faces a terrible babysitting predicament, and she can’t find any help. Luckily, Mary Anne rises to the occasion. Not only does she handle all her problems with aplomb, she also manages to get the club back together again.

Original title: The Baby-Sitters Club: Mary Anne Saves the Day


Pages: 160
Dimensions: 7.9 x 5.5 x 0.6 in
ISBN: 1443151718