Jaxon & Dinosaurs: Sharing Time… Exploring Friends


Publish Date: December 2019
Language: English
EAN: 9781892172136


Jaxon & Dinosaurs: Sharing Time… Exploring Friends

Din-o-saur* means “terrible lizard,”
Some say that they would “roar.”
At times, friends may “roar” and mess up.
But–friends help each other “be” better. They don’t keep score.

* saur = Greek Word

Throughout Jaxon & Dinosaurs Sharing Time… Exploring Friends, an expressive, engaging, educational book for children of all ages, Michael Luther aka “Poppy,” puts words in the mouths of dinosaurs to encourage readers to not only learn about dinosaurs but to nurture friends/friendships.

For example: Tyrannosaurus aka T-Rex (tyrant lizard) tie-RAN-oh-sore-us, says, “To have friends, you have to first be friendly. When you treat others the way you want to be treated, you become a true friend.
T. Rex, a tyrannical (ferocious) dinosaur measured approximately 39 feet long and
weighed almost seven tons. This dinosaur could bite with more force than any other terrestrial (one that lives on the ground) animal–ever.

In addition to featuring 11 dinosaurs plus Pteranodon and Leviathan, Jaxon & Dinosaurs Sharing Time… reminds readers:

Friendship isn’t about
who you’ve known the longest,
it’s about who walked into your life,
said “I’m here for you,”
and proved it.”

God did that for you..
for me…
for yOur friends
He gave His Son,
Jesus Christ,
to die for our sins
so that
believes in Him
may have eternal life.
John 3:16

As MIchael struggles with writing due to a stroke in his past, he included the following prayer for readers:

The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.

Numbers 6:24-26


Pages: 42
Dimensions: 10.75 x 8.25 x 0.11 in
ISBN: 1892172135