Hibou Hebdo: No 13 – ?ve Entre En Sc?ne


Author: Rebecca Elliott
Illustrator: Rebecca Elliott
Publisher: Scholastic Canada
Publish Date: February 2021
Series: Hibou Hebdo
Language: French
EAN: 9781443185301

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See below for English description.

La classe d’Eve prepare une piece de theatre! Eve est tres excitee et aimerait vraiment obtenir le role principal, mais elle se retrouve avec un role de remplacante. Naturellement, elle est tres decue. Lors du spectacle, le decor s’ecroule et tout le monde oublie son texte… Est-ce deja la fin? Eve n’aura-t-elle aucune chance de briller?

Eve’s class is putting on a play! She is so excited and really wants the starring role. So naturally, she can’t help but feel disappointed when she doesn’t get it and is instead cast as a backup. But when the set falls apart and everyone forgets their lines, can the show even go on? Will Eve get her chance to shine?

Original title: Owl Diaries #13: Eva in the Spotlight


Pages: 80
Dimensions: 7.6 x 5.2 x 0.3 in
ISBN: 1443185302