Harry Potter Y El Misterio del Pr?ncipe / Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince = Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince


Author: J. K. Rowling
Publisher: Salamandra
Publish Date: June 2020
Series: Harry Potter
Language: Spanish
EAN: 9781644732120

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Harry Potter y el misterio del pr?ncipe es la sexta novela de la ya cl?sica serie fant?stica de la autora brit?nica J.K. Rowling.

Con diecis?is a?os cumplidos, Harry inicia el sexto curso en Hogwarts en medio de terribles acontecimientos que asolan Inglaterra. Elegido capit?n del equipo de quidditch, los ensayos, los ex?menes y las chicas ocupan todo su tiempo, pero la tranquilidad dura poco.

A pesar de los f?rreos controles de seguridad que protegen la escuela, dos alumnos son brutalmente atacados. Dumbledore sabe que se acerca el momento, anunciado por la Profec?a, en que Harry y Voldemort se enfrentar?n a muerte: «El ?nico con poder para vencer al Se?or Tenebroso se acerca… Uno de los dos debe morir a manos del otro, pues ninguno de los dos podr? vivir mientras siga el otro con vida.

El anciano director solicitar? la ayuda de Harry y juntos emprender?n peligrosos viajes para intentar debilitar al enemigo, para lo cual el joven mago contar? con un viejo libro de pociones perteneciente a un misterioso personaje, alguien que se hace llamar Pr?ncipe Mestizo.


Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is the sixth volume of British author J.K. Rowling’s now classic series of fantasy novels.

At age sixteen, in the midst of serious events plaguing England, Harry begins his sixth year at Hogwarts. Having been chosen captain of the Quidditch team, practices, tests, and girls are keeping him busy, but that peace and tranquility is short-lived.

Despite tight security measures that protect the school, two students are brutally attacked. Dumbledore knows that, as proclaimed in the Prophecy, the time is approaching when Harry and Voldemort must face each other in a deadly match: “The only one with strong enough powers to defeat the Dark Lord is approaching … One of the two must die at the hands of the other, because neither can live as long as the other is still alive.”

The old Headmaster will enlist Harry’s help, and together they will undertake dangerous trips in order to try to weaken the enemy, for this the young wizard will have the help of an old potion book that belonged to a mysterious person, someone who calls himself the Half-Blood Prince.


Pages: 576
Dimensions: 8 x 5 x 1.7 in
ISBN: 1644732122