El Beso de la Princesa

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Author: Fernando Almena
Illustrator: Ulrike M?ller
Publisher: Bambu
Publish Date: April 2007
Language: Spanish
EAN: 9788493482664

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A fun twist on the traditional tale of the frog who turned into a prince, this is the story of Saponcio and Saponcia, the king and queen of the lagoon, and of their daughter, the little frog princess. The princess wants a motorcycle, but who has ever heard of a princess on a motorcycle? Her parents will never allow it. In order to get her mind off the motorcycle, the king and queen decide the princess must get married. Who will be chosen? Can a frog princess marry a human prince? And if the frog princess should kiss the human prince, what will she become? Esta divertida versi?n del cuento tradicional del sapo y la princesa relata con humor la historia del rey Saponcio, la reina Saponcia y su hija, la princesita, quien quiere una moto. D?nde se ha visto a una princesa con una moto? Sus padres no van a permitirlo y por eso deciden que es hora de que se case. Qui?n ser? el elegido? Puede una princesa sapo casarse con un pr?ncipe humano? Y si la princesa sapo besa al pr?ncipe humano, en qu? se convertir??


Pages: 48
Dimensions: 7.36 x 5.94 x 0.19 in
Lexile Score: 710
ISBN: 8493482668