Destined to Be Normal


Publish Date: November 2023
Language: English
EAN: 9781778135422


Orson Lewis isn’t good at anything. His grades are average, he’s bad at sports, and he doesn’t really like his friends anymore. Compared to his older sister Emerson, he’s a total failure. And it doesn’t help he’s set to attend the same high school as her in the fall. This summer is his last chance to figure himself out.

When Liam Beaulieu moves across the street, it feels like a sign. Liam is outgoing, encouraging, and unafraid-everything Orson struggles to be. Through Liam’s friendship, Orson dreams this could be the key to unlocking who he truly is.

But life has a way of changing fast. By the time school starts, Orson and Liam aren’t as close as they were, his friendship group is slowly breaking apart, and his ex-best friend Tyler decides to enter his life again. In the year that follows, Orson must find a way to navigate all of life’s changes… without losing himself in the process.


Pages: 306
Dimensions: 9 x 6 x 0.64 in
ISBN: 1778135420