“Hermosa por su honestidad y vulnerabilidad, esta es una poderosa historia sobre el cuerpo y los sue?os que nacen del coraz?n”. –Natalia Sylvester, autora galardonada de Breathe and Count Back from Ten
Una poderosa novela escrita en verso sobre una nadadora dominicano-estadounidense de 12 a?os, a quien le diagnostican artritis juvenil. Aniana del Mar pertenece al agua como un delf?n al oc?ano, pero mantiene en secreto sus clases de nataci?n. Hace a?os, a su mam? se le ahog? un ser querido y no se ha recuperado de la p?rdida. Un d?a, la artritis juvenil obliga a Aniana a guardar reposo. Entonces confiesa lo importante que es para ella nadar y, aunque el doctor cree que la nataci?n puede ayudarla a mejorar, su mam? lo proh?be. Esta es la historia de una ni?a que debe crecer como las mareas para encontrar su fuerza y defender lo que ama. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION “Beautiful in its honesty and vulnerability, this is a powerful story about dreams and bodily agency that sings from the heart.”–Natalia Sylvester, award-winning author of Breathe and Count Back From TenA powerful and expertly told novel-in-verse by about a 12-year-old Dominican American swimmer who is diagnosed with Juvenile Arthritis by an award-winning poet.
Aniana del Mar belongs in the water like a dolphin belongs to the sea. But she and Papi keep her swim practices and meets hidden from Mami, who has never recovered from losing someone she loves to the water years ago. That is, until the day Ani’s stiffness and swollen joints mean she can no longer get out of bed, and Ani is forced to reveal just how important swimming is to her. Mami forbids her from returning to the water, but Ani and her doctor believe that swimming along with medication will help Ani manage her disease. What follows is the journey of a girl who must grieve who she once was in order to rise like the tide and become the young woman she is meant to be. Aniana Del Mar Jumps In is a poignant story about chronic illness and disability, the secrets between mothers and daughters, the harm we do to the ones we love the most–and all the triumphs, big and small, that keep us afloat.