See below for English description.
Emily, Navin et leur ?quipe de r?sistants affr?tent un dirigeable et se lancent ? la recherche de Cielis, une ville mythique qui se situerait sur une ?le au-dessus des nuages. Le myst?rieux L?on Barberousse est leur guide et un nouveau venu, plut?t surprenant, se joint ? leur ?quipage. Il s’agit de Trellis, le fils du roi des Aulnes. Mais est-il un alli? ou un ennemi?
In the third installment of the thrilling Amulet series, Emily, Navin, and their crew of resistance fighters charter an airship and set off in search of the lost city of Cielis, which is believed to be located on an island high above the clouds. The mysterious Leon Redbeard is their guide, and there’s a surprising new addition to the crew: the Elf King’s son, Trellis. But is he ally or enemy? And will Emily ever be able to trust the voice of the Amulet?
Original title: The Cloud Searchers