A nagylelkű tarisznyar?k (Hungarian Edition of “The Caring Crab”)


Author: Tuula Pere
Illustrator: Roksolana Panchyshyn
Translator: Tam?s Czuczor
Publisher: Wickwick Ltd
Publish Date: February 2021
Language: Hungarian
EAN: 9789523259638

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Colin the Crab, the most skillful builder on the eastern riverbank, never hesitates to help his friends. Now Colin is busy with his own new project-a garden pavilion for his home. But after a week of hard work, the pavilion of his dreams is still unfinished. Even worse, a boisterous fish family has taken over the construction site. The exhausted Colin buries himself under a blanket and refuses to open his curtains. Puzzled, Colin’s friends call an emergency meeting-it’s time for them to take action!


Tim?, a tarisznyar?k a keleti foly?part leg?gyesebb ?p?tőmestere, aki soha nem habozik a bar?tai seg?ts?g?re sietni. Egy heti kem?ny munka ut?n m?g mindig nem k?sz?l el ?lmai k?k kerti pavilonja, r?ad?sul m?g egy folyton l?rm?z? halcsal?d is bek?lt?zik az ő ?p?t?si ter?let?re.

Tim? teljesen kimer?lve begub?zik a takar?ja al?, ?s szorosan beh?zza szob?ja f?gg?nyeit. A kis tarisznyar?k bar?tai kezdetben tan?cstalanul ?llnak a helyzet előtt, azut?n elhat?rozz?k, hogy rendk?v?li ?l?st h?vnak ?ssze. El?rkezik az idő, hogy v?gre a bar?tai cselekedjenek.


Pages: 56
Dimensions: 10 x 8 x 0.15 in
ISBN: 9523259636