642 Things to Write About: Young Writer’s Edition: (Creative Writing Prompts, Writing Prompt Journal, Things to Write about for Kids and Teens)

Original price was: $16.95.Current price is: $13.56.

Author: 826 Valencia
Introduction by: Miranda Tsang
Publisher: Chronicle Books
Publish Date: March 2014
Language: English
EAN: 9781452127842


Write a to-do list for a villain. Describe your dream tree house. Create a haiku about your shoes.

Young writers will get their creative juices flowing with this collection of smart, funny, and thought-provoking writing exercises. Kids can open to any page to find inspiration, express themselves, and jump-start their literary genius. Collected from the clever minds of 826 Valencia, 642 Things to Write About: Young Writer’s Edition is the ultimate playground for imaginative children.


Pages: 304
Dimensions: 9.11 x 7.5 x 0.8 in
ISBN: 1452127840