Resolve to Read in 2013

Well, it is that time of year again. The time when we all think up brilliant plans for the coming year of things we will accomplish, habits we will break, personality attributes we will perfect, etc. According to the most popular New Year’s Resolutions are:

  1. Drink less alcohol
  2. Eat healthy food
  3. Get a better education
  4. Get a better job
  5. Get fit
  6. Lose weight
  7. Manage debt
  8. Manage stress
  9. Quit Smoking
  10. Reduce, reuse, recycle
  11. Save money
  12. Take a trip
  13. Volunteer to help others

That is a commendable list of aspirations for a new year. Interestingly enough, also provides a list, a list of most commonly broken New Year’s resolutions:

  1. Lose weight and get fit
  2. Quit smoking
  3. Learn something new
  4. Eat healthier and diet
  5. Get out of debt and save money
  6. Spend more time with family
  7. Travel to new places
  8. Volunteer
  9. Drink less…hopefully regarding alcohol

It appears that several of the most popular resolutions are also the most commonly broken resolutions. Why is it, that come every January we set goals and resolve to do something better and then don’t follow through? “I resolve to be a better person in 2013!” How vague is that? Too general and generic. That is exactly why resolutions are broken every year. Resolving to lose weight is a great goal, but saying, “I am going to lose weight” is insufficient. To successfully carry out any resolution, whatever it may be, it has to be more concise in wording and be written out thoroughly.

Why not resolve to read in 2013. Resolve to watch less, or none at all, night time drama on television. Resolve to make reading a priority. Resolve to read to your children. Whatever your literary resolution may be for 2013, to be successful in reading more throughout the year, you must establish a specific plan. Here is an example of a plan you may follow:

I resolve to explore more genres by reading one book a week. I will do this by reading each night before bed instead of watching television.

January I will read fantasy books: list 4 fantasy books you will read

February historical fiction: list 4 historical fiction

March biography books: list 4 biographies

April classic novels: list 4 classic novels

May crime fiction: list 4 books

June mystery novels: list 4 books

July thriller novels: list 4 books

August self help books: list 4

September autobiography: list 4

October teen novels: list 4 (if you have teens this will help you know what they are into)

November children’s novels: list 4 (if you have children ages 8-12 this will introduce you into their world)

December your favorite genre: list 4 (by the end of the year maybe you have a new favorite genre)

By the end of the year you have read at least 48 books. You could even start a blog writing about your adventures in resolving to read. Share what you learn, what adventures you went on, and if you discovered some new favorites. Maybe you will learn that you like a good classic romance over that of modern romance, or that you are crazy for historical novels and abhor science fiction. Maybe you will get to know someone from history and develop deep admiration and respect for the person.

To make any resolution truly successful there must be a reward. At the end of each month that you have successfully read 4 books, treat yourself to a movie about one of the books, go on an outing with some friends or partner (seen as how you have avoided them all month while curled up in your bed reading each weekend), or even start a book club and meet monthly to discuss the book and enjoy good food and conversation.

Whatever you resolve to do this year, make it more meaningful and worthwhile by writing it down in detail, review your progress regularly, and involve others so you are held accountable. While you are making your list, why not make one of your resolutions be of a literary nature and resolve to read in 2013.

Written by: Suzanna Tolman